It’s also against the law if you don’t give the police your name, address and date of birth if they suspect you are under 18 and trying get into licensed premises or buy alcohol or cigarettes. You don’t even have to use a fake ID to break the law! Do I have to tell the police my name, age and address? a bouncer) that you are over 18 to get into a club. This means that it is illegal to tell someone (e.g. It’s also against the law if you lie about your age to try and get into a pub, club or bar. What about if I just tell a lie to get into a pub, club or bar? be charged and fined up to $7,700 if you’re found guilty by a court.be asked to leave a place selling alcohol (e.g.If you’re caught using a fake ID and you’re under 18, you can: It is against the law to use a fake ID for anything, like to buy alcohol or to get into a pub, club or bar or to buy alcohol. In the Northern Territory, you can prove your age using: What are the accepted forms of ID in the Northern Territory?

doesn’t actually belong to you (like a friend’s or brother’s ID).has been scratched or altered in any way (like to make you seem older) or.